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Camila is available for speaking engagements, brand collaborations, interviews, menu consultations, and research & development for food products and supplements. Please reach out via email.

Media Requests


To start the process, please schedule a 15-minute discovery call. We’ll use this time to answer any questions you may have about our approach and get a better understanding of your health concerns in order to gauge if we’re the right fit to support your needs. 

New Patients


We are a New York City-based virtual functional medicine clinic, treating preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, infertility, skin concerns, compassionate weight management, gut health, digestive issues, and mental health concerns.

Let’s make feeling
great your new normal.

get in touch

what conditions do you treat?

We specialize in the following conditions:
fertility, preconception, pregnancy + postpartum,
skin concerns, compassionate weight
management, gut health & digestive issues, and
mental health. You may not fit precisely into any
one of the categories above, but you’re still
looking to heal and improve your whole-body
health and longevity. We can help.

what conditions do you treat?

how is this different from the care i’ve already received?

Functional medicine focuses on addressing the root causes of illness and disease, rather than just treating symptoms. We see clients who have turned to conventional medicine over and over again without meaningful solutions. Our approaches work because we spend the time to understand each individual deeply and use evidence-based protocols to heal
symptoms and promote overall wellbeing. 

Functional medicine focuses on addressing the root
causes of illness and disease, rather than just treating
symptoms. We see clients who have turned to
conventional medicine over and over again without
meaningful solutions. Our approaches work because
we spend the time to understand each individual
deeply and use evidence-based protocols to heal
symptoms and promote overall wellbeing. 

How is this different from the
care I’ve already received?

how many sessions will i need?

Most of our clients fit into Our Comprehensive
Functional Medicine Program, which includes an
initial, 60-minute consultation and six, 45-minute
follow-up appointments.Additional sessions
are available for purchase if more support is

how many sessions will i need?

do you take insurance?

To ensure we can focus our resources directly on your care, we have chosen not to participate in insurance networks. We do accept Health Savings Accounts (HSA,) Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), and most credit cards. We also provide clients with a standardized claim form (a “super bill”) that can be submitted to insurance to seek reimbursement. 

To ensure we can focus our resources directly
on your care, we have chosen not to participate in
insurance networks. We do accept Health Savings
Accounts (HSA,) Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA),
and most credit cards. We also provide clients with a
standardized claim form (a “super bill”) that can be
submitted to insurance to seek reimbursement. 

do you take insurance?

how much can i expect to invest in lab testing? 

We test far beyond the standard blood panel
typically offered at your physician’s office. We
utilize specialty testing in order to get a more
comprehensive understanding of your whole-
body health, which will help us to understand the
root cause of your unique symptoms and tailor
solutions. Specialty tests generally range from
$100 to $400, and HSA and FSA cards can be
used towards lab testing costs. 

how much can i expect
to invest in lab testing? 

where are you located? do you only offer virtual appointments?

We are a 100% virtual, New York City-based clinic.

where are you located? do you
only offer virtual appointments?

how do i get started? 

Click here to book a 15-minute discovery call.
We’ll use this time to answer any questions you
may have about our approach and get a better
understanding of your health concerns in
order to gauge if we’re the right fit to
support your needs.

how do i get started? 

brand & website by Hello Magic

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